
COVID-19: John Perkins Construction begins reopening sites from 11 May

6th May 2020 |

John Perkins Construction is now in the position to start reopening its sites, progressing from 11 May 2020.

In advance of reopening sites, the John Perkins team has put in place rigorous and newly-updated COVID-19 working procedures, which meet the latest v3.0 of the Public Health England guidelines.

Safety remains our priority. We are consulting extensively with our own team, our supply chain, and our clients, to ensure that everyone understands what the ‘new normal’ for construction looks like.

Though John Perkins Construction’s sites have been shut over the last few weeks, we have been actively supporting efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. We were honoured to help Kier to deliver the Bristol Nightingale Hospital. Credit is due to Hayden Pickett and key members of our supply chain, Machin & Endicott and Absolute, who worked tirelessly, including over weekends and Bank Holidays. For those involved, it felt good to be part of a huge national effort.

The John Perkins preconstruction team has also been continuing to diligently submit bids for future projects, and we are in early discussions for several exciting new projects.

We are aware that there is more that this virus may throw at us, and we are prepared for further bumps in the road. Despite this, beginning the process of reopening John Perkins Construction’s sites feels like a positive step forward.

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