
In pictures: celebrating 30 years of JPC

20th September 2022 |

John Perkins Construction gathered staff, supply chain, clients and associates together at Underfall Yard in Bristol to celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary. Here’s how the evening unfolded, in pictures.

Underfall Yard

Underfall Yard, a Bristol landmark where John Perkins Construction carried out restoration works, provided the perfect backdrop for the celebrations.

Underfall Yard

30 years of JPC

An artefact from the early years of JPC

Artefacts from the early days of JPC were on display.

Rupert Perkins ascends in the Human Accumulator

Managing Director, Rupert Perkins, ascended in the Human Accumulator, (an exhibit which explains hydraulic power,) to make a toast.

A toast to 30 years of JPC

Everybody, raise a glass!

Rupert Perkins gives a toast

Rupert did eventually escape the Human Accumulator…

Sam Bendall-Weeks leads the socialising

Quantity Surveyor Sam Bendall-Weeks helped to lead the celebrations.

Alex Jenkins

Alex Jenkins wasn’t one to be left out.

Rob Yeandle cuts the cake, flanked by Rupert Perkins and Alex Jenkins

Chairman Rob Yeandle made the ceremonial first cut of the cake.

Rob Yeandle cuts the cake Raise a glass to JPC

Anyone for cake and champagne?

30 years of JPC

Underfall Yard at night

In the heart of the Harbourside, the evening slowly wound down.

(Thank you to Hannah Jones for the fantastic photography of the event.)

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