John Perkins Construction carried out a phased refurbishment of Monkton Combe School’s Farm Boarding House and adjoining accommodation, within a ‘live’ boarding school environment.
The purpose of the project was to join up several buildings to create one cohesive boarding house, with additional warm-and-welcoming accommodation for houseparents, assistant houseparents, and visiting parents. Working in close collaboration with consultant Kendall Kingscott, the scheme was completed over five phases.
Upgrades to the school’s main plant room were also required, with the added challenge of never having any unplanned power cuts across the school. Through careful coordination, and by programming the changeover to the new system for the very end of the project, JPC was able to keep the campus functioning.
Monkton Combe School boasts a beautiful estate of historical buildings. However, the challenges of encountering the ‘unknowns’ of older buildings are well-documented. JPC reacted quickly when previously-undiscovered-by-surveys asbestos was found within one area. By working closely with the client team, in an open and collaborative way, JPC came up with a strategy that would keep the project on a track the client was able to accommodate.
During this project, strong communication with key staff members was vital, in order to keep disruption of teaching to an absolute minimum. As with any boarding school, when students are on site at all times, safeguarding was also a priority.
JPC put in place strict procedures for safeguarding. Site operatives had numbers emblazoned on their high-vis waistcoats, making them instantly recognisable. Anyone not DBS-checked had to be escorted at all times by a member of the site team who held an enhanced DBS check.
Sensitivity was not only required within the school, but also outside of it. The JPC team worked hard to avoid distressing the residents of the surrounding village of Monkton Combe, by arranging for deliveries at non-disruptive times, and staying in communication with the local community via regular letter drops.
Following the refurbishment, the students and houseparents of Farm House are able to enjoy their light, bright and comfortable quarters.

Client: Monkton Combe School
Value: £900,000 Refurbishment
Duration: 21 Weeks
Type of contract: Competitive Tender
I found John Perkins Construction generally very strong. It was not an easy project, but JPC provided excellent value for money. Just getting the boarding house open on time was remarkable.
James Kempton
Monkton Combe School